About Me

Gerard Scheffler- Default and Distressed Property Sales Expert (773) 909-3346
www.chicagolandhomegallery.com - Park Ridge, Illinois, United States
- Gerard Scheffler has been very actively involved in the real estate profession for over seven years. In 2005, immediately after receiving his Broker’s License, he established his first Chicago based brokerage company. The company turned out to be very successful with hundreds of satisfied customers and millions of dollars in closed real estate transactions. Over the years, Gerard has developed a network of returning customers who always refer his services to their family and friends. He is presently a managing broker at Home Gallery Realty brokerage firm specializing in default and distressed property sales. Regardless of his professional development and success, Gerard is constantly looking for ways to improve his skills as well as build his company image and reputation. He is very hardworking and aggressive when it comes to representing his customers ‘ real estate needs and doing his job right. He will work with you to ensure that your property is sold for the highest price possible in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience to you. Area of service includes Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Mchenry County in the State of Illinois.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
HUD: Banks Will Be Held Responsible
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Mortgage Relief Project-Saturday, October 23, 2010 !!!!!!!
Offering homeowners immediate assistance to prevent foreclosure, Governor Pat Quinn's Mortgage Relief Project will be making its next stop at Crete-Monee High School in Chicago's south suburbs on Saturday, October 23, 2010.
Homeowners who have recently fallen behind on their mortgage payments can obtain a 90-day grace period by entering housing counseling, according to the Homeowner Protection Act, which was signed into law by Governor Quinn in 2009. Administered by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and the Illinois Housing Development Authority, property owners can take advantage of state and federal program on-site at Mortgage Relief Project outreach events. "By participating in this event, homeowners can literally save their homes," said Brent E. Adams, Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation. "The Mortgage Relief Project provides direct, tangible, and free assistance to homeowners." "We partner struggling homeowners with financial counselors who assist them in getting the resources they need to keep their homes," said Gloria L. Materre, IHDA Executive Director. The Crete-Monee High School event is being co-hosted by State Senator Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields), State Representative Anthony DeLuca (D-Crete), and State Representative Lisa Dugan (D-Bradley). It will be the 16th stop in a statewide tour that began last summer. The free workshops will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, October 23, 2010, at Crete-Monee High School, 1515 W. Exchange St., Door #3 in Crete. Homeowners will receive helpful advice about mortgage refinancing, foreclosure prevention, legal rights, credit counseling and avoiding scam artists. Homeowners can also obtain private, one-on-one housing counseling with HUD-certified counselors. Be sure to bring your latest mortgage documents (bills, statements, notices, etc.), two most recent paystubs, and your state ID or driver's license.The Homeowner Protection Act establishes a grace period of up to 90 days on mortgage foreclosures for homeowners that enter housing counseling. The law requires that all lenders and loan services notify homeowners who are at least 30 days late on their mortgage payments that they have 30 days to seek housing counseling to get their loan back on track. If a homeowner enters housing counseling, they get an additional 30-day grace period on foreclosure in order to work out a payment plan or refinance option. For more information or to receive immediate assistance in advance of the October 23rd event, please call IDFPR's toll-free consumer hotline (800) 532-8785 during regular business hours or visit www.idfpr.com or www.ihda.org. A list of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies in Illinois can be found atwww.hud.gov.Gerard Scheffler, GRI ,ADPR
Real Estate Broker -Home Gallery ,Inc
cell 773 909-3346 "It takes hands to build a house .Only hearts can build a home"
The greatest compliment I can receive is a referral....your family, friends or anyone you know!
U.S. service members may qualify for the tax credit through April 30, 2011.
Members of the U.S. military, foreign service and intelligence communities have another year to purchase a home and claim the home buyer tax credit. According to the Internal Revenue Service, the extension applies to "any individual (and, if married, the individual's spouse) who serves on qualified official extended duty service outside of the United States for at least 90 days during the period beginning after Dec. 31, 2008, and ending before May 1, 2010." Qualifying service members have until on or before April 30, 2011, to sign a sales contract and on or before June 30, 2011, to close on the property. Both the $8,000 first-time and the $6,500 repeat home buyer tax credits are included in the extension.
Gerard Scheffler, GRI ,ADPRReal Estate Broker -Home Gallery ,Inc
cell 773 909-3346 "It takes hands to build a house .Only hearts can build a home"
The greatest compliment I can receive is a referral....your family, friends or anyone you know!
12 Reasons to Choose a REALTOR®-Real Estate Agent that help you buy or sell
Real Estate Broker -Home Gallery ,Inc
cell 773 909-3346 "It takes hands to build a house .Only hearts can build a home"
The greatest compliment I can receive is a referral....your family, friends or anyone you know!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Bank Of America Freezes Foreclosures Nationwide
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Suspension of Foreclosure Activity
According to IAR Chief Legal Counsel Steve Bochenek: "This moratorium will impact clients in different ways. A seller client will have a little more time to sell a house where the mortgage is in default. In addition, if the suspension lasts for long then the lenders/servicers might have some incentive to agree to a short sale. Buyer clients that may be in the process of purchasing REO properties will not be able to close until the suspension is lifted and so there may be some delay in closing a transaction, although we do not know how long. Also, buyer clients need to be advised to obtain title insurance to insure title to REO property they are purchasing. Clients that have rented properties that were then foreclosed on will have some additional time before they may be evicted. The key is that if any client of a brokerage company has a question as to how this suspension impacts them they need to talk to an attorney or call the Illinois Attorney General's office." The Attorney General's Homeowners' Referral Helpline is 1-866-544-7151